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Alfredo Torres

Alfredo Torres Profile Photo


Alfredo Torres, PhD. MS. is the Herman Barnett Distinguished Professor in Microbiology and Immunology, and Associate Provost at UTMB. He is a peer-recognized bacteriologist/vaccinologist with extensive experience in the study of bacterial pathogens causing diarrheal disease, such as pathogenic Escherichia coli or Shigella, or biodefense-related organisms, such as pathogenic Burkholderia species. His laboratory has published more than 150 peer-reviewed publications, 15 book chapters and 3 books on topics related to microbial pathogenesis, food safety, therapeutics, and vaccine development. The major interest of my lproducing suitable vaccines and therapeutics. My laboratory has constructed top candidate vaccines, which are in development and testing against pathogenic Burkholderia and E. coli, and we are moving forward testing them in pre-clinical and eventually, phase one clinical trials. In Latino America, he is the founder and coordinator of the Latin American Coalition for Escherichia coli Research (LACER) and a fellow of the Academy of Sciences of Latin America.

Aug. 28, 2023

Bacteria, Beef and the Fascinating Science Behind E. coli

Welcome to an eye-opening episode of our podcast, where we uncover the hidden dangers lurking in our food. Join me and our guest, Dr. Alfredo Torres, as we embark on a journey through bacteriology. In our conversation, Dr. To...
July 28, 2023

Poison and poetry - the shocking connection between Pablo Neruda and Clostridium botulinum

Ever wondered how a renowned poet's death can lead to a twisty mystery entwined with the hidden world of lethal bacteria? Prepare to be enthralled as we join forces with Dr. Alfredo Torres, a renowned figure in Microbiology a...