Jan. 27, 2025

Untangling Alzheimer's: From Prevention to Future Treatments

Untangling Alzheimer's: From Prevention to Future Treatments

Unlock the secrets of the brain's most enigmatic conditions with Dr. Mauro Montalbano, our esteemed guest from the University of Texas Medical Branch. He takes us on a journey through his lab's cutting-edge research into neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS. You'll gain a deep understanding of the sinister role played by protein aggregates, particularly amyloid beta and tau proteins, and their prion-like behavior that drives the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Montalbano's journey from Sicily to Galveston adds a personal touch to his pioneering efforts in neuroscience, underscoring the critical need to decipher early-stage processes in disease progression.

Our discussion ventures into the unpredictable realm of Alzheimer's, illustrated by a compelling family story that highlights the disease's capricious nature. Despite shared genetics and lifestyle, one sister succumbs to Alzheimer's while the other lives a long life, challenging our understanding of its onset. We examine the ongoing focus on amyloid plaques and the vital roles of microglia and astrocytes in regulating protein buildup in the brain. The conversation also taps into the mysteries of cognitive resilience among certain individuals and how current therapies aim to reduce inflammation as a strategy to slow progression.

We further explore the intricate link between vascular health and Alzheimer's, where factors like atherosclerosis, sleep quality, and auditory health are potential culprits of cognitive decline. Dr. Montalbano guides us through the complexities of treating late-stage Alzheimer's and the promise of early intervention and preventative strategies. In a world increasingly focused on personalized medicine, he sheds light on the challenges and potential breakthroughs on the horizon, while also pondering the possible long-term impacts of COVID-19 on dementia prevalence. This episode promises to enlighten and challenge your understanding of these profound neurological puzzles.

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00:09 - The Science of Neurodegenerative Diseases

11:01 - Alzheimer's Complexity in Brain Functions

19:14 - Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia Relationship

28:24 - Progress and Challenges in Personalized Medicine


00:00:09.230 --> 00:00:16.730
This is a podcast about One Health the idea that the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment that we all share are intrinsically linked.

00:00:16.730 --> 00:00:26.033
Coming to you from the University of Texas Medical Branch and the Galveston National Laboratory, this is Infectious Science, where enthusiasm for science is contagious.

00:00:28.861 --> 00:00:34.231
So today we have a special guest here in our podcast, dr Mauro Montalbano.

00:00:34.231 --> 00:00:39.109
I'm trying to say that with my best Italian accent, which is non-existent.

00:00:39.109 --> 00:00:58.185
He's an assistant professor here at UTMB and then at the neuroscience department, and we'll hear some really exciting work that they are doing in that department, and he will also tell us a little bit about the connection to some of the amyloid buildup in the brain in form of dementia, and so we're very excited to have him here.

00:00:58.185 --> 00:00:59.591
So what are we going to ask him?

00:00:59.853 --> 00:01:02.722
Yeah, so tell us a little bit about your lab's current work.

00:01:03.122 --> 00:01:06.269
Okay, so first of all, thank you for having me here.

00:01:06.269 --> 00:01:07.231
It's a pleasure.

00:01:07.231 --> 00:01:09.963
I actually hear some of your podcast.

00:01:09.963 --> 00:01:11.328
That's super cool to be here.

00:01:11.328 --> 00:01:14.412
Great, we have listeners.

00:01:15.641 --> 00:01:17.421
We have listeners on the show your.

00:01:17.460 --> 00:01:18.804
Italian is perfect.

00:01:18.804 --> 00:01:23.292
So that is 10 out of 10 for my last name.

00:01:23.292 --> 00:01:26.438
Yeah, so a brief description of who I am.

00:01:26.438 --> 00:01:32.129
So I'm assistant professor at the Mitchell Center for Neurodegenerative Disease at UTMB.

00:01:32.129 --> 00:01:50.909
So my lab work mainly to study how protein aggregates within the human brain, in particular in Alzheimer's disease, but we cover other neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's disease, frontal temporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis as well.

00:01:50.909 --> 00:02:02.509
So our vision is to find a way to basically slow down or completely block the buildup of this protein aggregation within the human brain in aging process.

00:02:02.509 --> 00:02:03.753
Basically, Perfect.

00:02:03.894 --> 00:02:09.747
So, now that you've given us a little bit of background on your work and your lab, can you give us a little bit of background on yourself?

00:02:10.919 --> 00:02:13.087
So about me?

00:02:13.087 --> 00:02:16.070
Okay, he's the best soccer player that we have on YouTube.

00:02:16.070 --> 00:02:20.622
Yeah, rather than that, I'm a little bit out of shape, but anyway.

00:02:20.622 --> 00:02:28.229
Yeah, basically, I'm Italian, so I come from Palermo, sicily.

00:02:29.360 --> 00:02:33.508
Is this really Italian, though, like Sicily, is always like its own little Italy isn't it?

00:02:33.588 --> 00:02:37.030
Yeah, exactly, we consider ourselves before Sicilian and then Italian.

00:02:37.360 --> 00:02:39.969
It's like Texans before Americans, oh really.

00:02:40.883 --> 00:02:42.271
Oh, wow, that's cool.

00:02:42.271 --> 00:02:46.288
Yeah, it's beautiful, so don't ask me why I end up in Galveston.

00:02:48.762 --> 00:02:50.568
It's a downgrade yeah exactly.

00:02:51.580 --> 00:03:08.932
But yeah, basically my background is I got my bachelor in biological science, then my master in molecular and cellular biology at University of Palermo and then for basically an international program between University of Palermo and UTMB.

00:03:08.932 --> 00:03:17.133
I ended up as a PhD student and I work in surgery department studying hepatocellular carcinoma.

00:03:17.133 --> 00:03:20.000
So my background was mostly cancer biology.

00:03:20.000 --> 00:03:38.454
But then after that I discovered the neuroscience during my postdoc First postdoc, actually, always here under the mentorship of Dr Modamedi, studying the amyloid formation in the retina of patients with Alzheimer's disease Interesting.

00:03:38.454 --> 00:03:45.734
And then I joined Dr Cayet's lab in the Mitchell Center to study in deep the formation and the buildup of these protein aggregates.

00:03:45.734 --> 00:03:54.128
Side effect of that is that we are not only studying the protein aggregation but in particular we are focused also in gene expression.

00:03:54.128 --> 00:04:03.067
So we are giving another point of view of the typical vision of protein aggregates in neurodegenerative diseases.

00:04:03.941 --> 00:04:12.229
And when you talk about protein aggregates, are we always referring to those as like prions, and are they a natural part of the aging process for humans?

00:04:12.680 --> 00:04:14.800
So this is a really good question.

00:04:14.800 --> 00:04:18.629
I would like to answer that, say that it's under investigation.

00:04:18.629 --> 00:04:41.502
Still, we know exactly which are the two major factors that during the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's in particular, two proteins are involved on that and they are considered quite officially pre-like protein Then I will spend a little bit more time on the terminology and they are the amyloid beta and tau.

00:04:41.502 --> 00:04:46.874
These are the two major factors, so they act as a prion.

00:04:46.874 --> 00:04:56.870
This is well studied, well recognized, but there is still a strong debate in the field to consider it completely fully prion protein.

00:04:56.870 --> 00:05:10.603
So we know, for example, that if you have neurons, for example, in culture in the lab, you expose them to this prion-like protein, the endogenous protein.

00:05:10.603 --> 00:05:13.242
So the endogenous amyloids, endogenous tau.

00:05:13.242 --> 00:05:16.071
They start to misfold and then aggregate.

00:05:16.071 --> 00:05:31.831
It's like exactly the prion protein, exactly the same principle, but still the field is preferred to put a dislike on the side, because the question is okay, but if you, for example, get in contact with those, you will develop the disease.

00:05:31.831 --> 00:05:46.514
This is not what happened actually, or there are no evidence on this, like for the prion disease itself, right, but the principle of spreading or the formation of the first aggregates is exactly the same principle.

00:05:46.514 --> 00:05:48.266
So you have a beautiful protein.

00:05:48.266 --> 00:05:51.829
They do their function for some reason that we still don't know.

00:05:51.829 --> 00:06:04.795
A certain point during our aging process they misfold, they acquire the not proper structure and they spread up this kind of toxic structure to other protein.

00:06:04.795 --> 00:06:07.026
Let's say, for example, for tau.

00:06:07.660 --> 00:06:09.266
Tau is a very nice protein.

00:06:09.266 --> 00:06:14.892
It usually binds a tiny structure within our cells called microtubules.

00:06:14.892 --> 00:06:19.250
These are tubules that keep up with the cells and maintain their shape.

00:06:19.250 --> 00:06:33.612
So if this tau protein misfolds, basically the cells start to have some problem and this tau, misfolded tau transmits to the other tau protein the misfolded shape.

00:06:33.612 --> 00:06:37.891
They start to basically do not function properly.

00:06:37.891 --> 00:06:49.987
They start to aggregate, they start to accumulate and later on these determine the death of the cells, in this case of the neuron, and that's the neuron are not replicative cells.

00:06:49.987 --> 00:06:53.173
So when we lost a neuron we lost forever.

00:06:53.173 --> 00:07:00.572
But think about the crazy things is that this happened in a very big time lapse for the humans.

00:07:00.572 --> 00:07:05.411
People can with the disease for 20 years, 15, 20, 20 years.

00:07:05.411 --> 00:07:07.906
So it's a very slow process.

00:07:07.906 --> 00:07:20.608
This is why many labs now focus on the early onset of the disease, when the tau or the amyloid start to form what we call prionic oligomers.

00:07:23.747 --> 00:07:24.088
So cool.

00:07:24.088 --> 00:07:25.202
I have so many questions.

00:07:25.202 --> 00:07:28.101
I think every five questions just popped into my mind.

00:07:28.101 --> 00:07:30.206
Yeah, I'm just kind of some rapid fire for me.

00:07:30.206 --> 00:07:37.033
So do you know if animals have alzheimer's disease, or do you have something comparable in the animal kingdom?

00:07:37.574 --> 00:07:42.709
so I will answer you with a maybe no means.

00:07:42.709 --> 00:07:44.091
I'll'll explain.

00:07:44.091 --> 00:07:48.149
I'll explain so pathological-wise.

00:07:48.149 --> 00:07:55.747
No animals really develop what human develops in terms of pathology.

00:07:55.747 --> 00:08:09.204
There is some study that show up that something that is comparable to the human pathology happen in some species of monkey, and I guess they're called marmoset, as I recall.

00:08:09.204 --> 00:08:15.232
They're a small monkey, but other animals do not develop what humans develop.

00:08:15.232 --> 00:08:21.189
This could be to the fact that humans age much longer than others.

00:08:24.899 --> 00:08:34.128
And other animals age naturally, but our aging process is very how I can say it's been improved strongly.

00:08:34.128 --> 00:08:40.091
If you think, 100 years ago the average of our age wasn't the one that we have today.

00:08:40.091 --> 00:08:47.605
So in a century or in two centuries we basically doubled the expense of our life.

00:08:47.605 --> 00:08:53.245
So this presented a new challenge for the neuronal biology or the brain biology itself.

00:08:53.245 --> 00:08:55.029
This is valid also for other organs.

00:08:55.500 --> 00:08:59.874
So my cat just turned 19 and I think she has Alzheimer's disease.

00:08:59.874 --> 00:09:07.653
Sometimes she forgets where stuff is, so maybe I have this possibility to challenge the dogma right.

00:09:08.360 --> 00:09:11.666
How many cats live till 19, though she's got a vet for a dad.

00:09:12.100 --> 00:09:18.086
That's why she's like that's fair, Although I bet if you put her in an MRI you might see other stuff that you.

00:09:18.841 --> 00:09:22.587
Going back to your question, for example, we use mice as a model.

00:09:22.587 --> 00:09:32.552
Mice do not develop naturally right alzheimer's, so we have to create a transgenic mice that basically reproduce what we found out.

00:09:32.552 --> 00:09:39.032
And this is the reason also why, unfortunately, many clinical trials do not work out in human.

00:09:39.032 --> 00:09:44.308
Because they work perfectly mice, we clean the mice brain perfectly.

00:09:44.308 --> 00:09:49.726
There is a colleague that to make fun about it, to say we can cure Alzheimer's in mice.

00:09:49.726 --> 00:09:58.317
So this tells you how much is complex Study this kind of disease in animal models like mice, for example.

00:09:58.357 --> 00:10:01.159
Yeah, but the lifespan of a mouse is only two years, right.

00:10:01.461 --> 00:10:18.385
But they have so many other properties that make their brain very resilient to the prion spreading and aggregation itself, because they possess, for example, a very reactive inflammatory response compared to the human.

00:10:18.385 --> 00:10:29.652
We think right now, in the last years, that now inflammation in the brain play a crucial role for the buildup and the early manifestation of this protein aggregate.

00:10:29.960 --> 00:10:35.490
So that's what I was going to ask what is driving that sort of original kind of misfolding?

00:10:35.490 --> 00:10:37.407
Is it a traumatic brain injury?

00:10:37.407 --> 00:10:38.524
Is it inflammation?

00:10:38.524 --> 00:10:40.888
Is it like potentially toxicity from?

00:10:40.927 --> 00:10:41.208

00:10:41.208 --> 00:10:47.932
If I have the answer for this question, I'm not maybe here, I'm in Sweden receiving the Nobel Prize.

00:10:47.951 --> 00:11:01.145
So that's a great question, no, look, I report every time an example I had in my family side of my grandma and auntie basically, and she died with Alzheimer's disease.

00:11:01.145 --> 00:11:04.673
And this auntie lives in a family of nine.

00:11:04.673 --> 00:11:08.009
There are seven brothers, my auntie and my grandma.

00:11:08.009 --> 00:11:12.230
So she developed Alzheimer's on her 60 around.

00:11:12.230 --> 00:11:17.808
I love her, it was like a second grandma for me and she developed the Alzheimer's.

00:11:17.808 --> 00:11:25.831
And my grandma two days ago did 99 years old she just made her birthday and they were sisters.

00:11:25.831 --> 00:11:30.552
So the reason lies down probably to many factors.

00:11:30.840 --> 00:11:32.779
These diseases are multifactorial diseases.

00:11:32.779 --> 00:11:36.289
For the last 20 years people focus just on amyloids.

00:11:36.289 --> 00:11:38.888
Right, it's the amyloids, the plaques.

00:11:38.888 --> 00:11:42.282
We have to block this stuff and we will cure the disease.

00:11:42.282 --> 00:11:45.302
We have to block this stuff and we will cure the disease.

00:11:45.302 --> 00:11:51.806
After 20 years the FDA approved just two antibodies for amyloid and the process is very slow.

00:11:51.806 --> 00:12:05.432
But the example of my grandma is just to tell you that they live in the same family, they have the same kind of education, they have basically also a comparable genetic background.

00:12:05.432 --> 00:12:11.115
They were both sisters and one developed Alzheimer's and one make 99 years.

00:12:11.495 --> 00:12:15.097
And I would assume they both lived a fairly similar lifestyle as well.

00:12:15.097 --> 00:12:19.049
Exactly Similar lifestyle, similar diet similar physical activity.

00:12:19.220 --> 00:12:24.332
No, physical activity because at the time there were no gym or they should take care just of the family.

00:12:24.332 --> 00:12:32.273
Very low also education One of the risk factors for Alzheimer's, for example, has been established that low education, for example.

00:12:32.273 --> 00:12:45.421
So if you keep your brain low with low activity, so you read or you do exercise or all those brain games that are cool things that keep up with and counteract actually the build-up of this protein.

00:12:45.421 --> 00:12:48.227
But the truth is that is a multifactorial thing.

00:12:48.227 --> 00:12:54.211
Multifactorial thing and this bring complexity we we would like to make in the past easier.

00:12:54.413 --> 00:12:56.759
Because you find out prion aggregation.

00:12:56.759 --> 00:13:05.875
They usually in the brain forms at the beginning in a very specific brain region that is called the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex.

00:13:05.875 --> 00:13:09.931
This is the region that generally people associate with the memory.

00:13:09.931 --> 00:13:15.972
In fact memory is one of the cognitive dysfunction that usually people develop in Alzheimer's.

00:13:15.972 --> 00:13:23.214
But then what happens is like a prion, once the neurons die, or through the inflammatory system.

00:13:23.214 --> 00:13:31.485
Once the neurons die or through the inflammatory system, so they are called in the brain microglia and astrocytic cells, astrocytes.

00:13:31.485 --> 00:13:50.333
So basically it looks like these cells are not able anymore to manage the cleanup that usually occur in our brain during aging and they also mediate the spreading across all the other regions of our brain, the spreading across all the other regions of our brain, and gradually they bring dysfunction in many cognitive aspects of our life.

00:13:51.039 --> 00:13:55.851
So the astrocytes and the microglia assist in the spreading of these misfolded proteins.

00:13:56.039 --> 00:14:08.210
Initially they assist to clean up, but at a certain point, when the system is overwhelmed, there are theories that actually make it faster or there is a strong debate still on that.

00:14:08.210 --> 00:14:09.703
It's very fascinating.

00:14:09.703 --> 00:14:12.923
But the job basically is to clean up the microglia.

00:14:12.923 --> 00:14:24.191
For example, take care of our synapses and the synapses are those portions that connect one neuron to another neuron and make us functioning for all our cognitive or physical activity.

00:14:24.191 --> 00:14:39.583
And actually when these amyloids forms at the beginning of the disease, the synapses that looks like are the most sensitive parts of our neuron and they burn and microglia usually come close to those synapses that are damaged and they start to eat.

00:14:39.764 --> 00:14:45.514
Clean up all those surroundings, try to keep the neuron as much as possible functional.

00:14:45.514 --> 00:15:01.067
But when you have an overwhelming amyloid formation when I say amyloid I include also the tau protein, the other component they start to get, let's say they're not able to manage it anymore and they acquire some of them.

00:15:01.067 --> 00:15:03.528
There is like a beautiful papers published on it.

00:15:03.528 --> 00:15:11.489
Some of these microglia start to became what they call disease associated microglia, so make the prion spreading even faster.

00:15:11.489 --> 00:15:24.333
Interesting, in fact, in people that have a very fast, I'd say, first development of the disease, they have a very strong microglial activity Interesting, so it's very interesting.

00:15:24.333 --> 00:15:31.453
But also the aspects that we have to consider are so many that we need to go step by step on each factor.

00:15:31.980 --> 00:15:43.705
So just to recap, so you were saying with the microglia, so they normally come in, they clean up, right, and what I know about prion diseases is that they accumulate within the cell and then the cell cannot get rid of them.

00:15:43.705 --> 00:15:57.332
So what are you saying is the microglia come in, they pick up the disease or the particles of the cell that was diseased, and then they move to a different place and they carry the amyloids with them to a different place.

00:15:57.332 --> 00:15:57.874
Is that what you're?

00:15:57.894 --> 00:16:00.187
saying yeah, that is one of the mechanisms.

00:16:00.187 --> 00:16:12.293
The other mechanism is that this transmission happens neuron by neuron, for example through the synapses themselves or through the secretion of exosomes or other microvesicles.

00:16:12.293 --> 00:16:13.342
Think about that.

00:16:13.342 --> 00:16:17.106
This process, as I say, happens long in time.

00:16:17.106 --> 00:16:18.884
Okay, it takes a while.

00:16:18.884 --> 00:16:24.750
So our neurons do not die immediately, so they have a certain capacity to rearrange.

00:16:24.750 --> 00:16:30.773
Another theory is that, anyway, we form some sort of aggregates, even in normal aging.

00:16:30.773 --> 00:16:40.589
There are cases of people that have the pathology, for example, but they do not show any cognitive symptoms or cognitive impairments.

00:16:41.120 --> 00:16:51.614
So there is a system, for sure, that is able to manage even the presence of the prion and amyloids, the plaques, the tangles of tau and whatever.

00:16:51.614 --> 00:16:59.985
But maybe these people have a stronger process that is able to manage it and the cognitive function are still integrated.

00:16:59.985 --> 00:17:02.793
But, as to recall, this is always on the synapses.

00:17:02.793 --> 00:17:12.207
But the synapses are very sensitive cellular portion to the prions because they've been binded and then this should work as a signal for the microglia.

00:17:12.207 --> 00:17:19.506
So, okay, this synapses is not properly working, I'll engulf, I heat it and then I will degradate.

00:17:19.506 --> 00:17:27.210
But again, which is the microenvironment around, how the other, also the astrocytes, are working up on this.

00:17:27.210 --> 00:17:40.333
So this is still under investigation and I guess many new tools and also for the therapy actually is focusing on keeping an inflammatory state very low.

00:17:40.333 --> 00:17:45.152
So that is another possible therapeutic intervention.

00:17:45.319 --> 00:17:55.291
I was going to ask do you know the role that, like circulation and like good or improved circulation, potentially plays in the development and the progression of Alzheimer's?

00:17:55.291 --> 00:18:05.372
Because I know with other neurodegenerative diseases vascularization throughout the body plays a really big role, like in maintaining the integrity of neurons and the myelin sheaths and stuff like that.

00:18:05.372 --> 00:18:10.468
So is there like a well-known role that vascularization plays in Alzheimer's?

00:18:10.859 --> 00:18:12.307
Yeah, this is a great question.

00:18:12.307 --> 00:18:29.571
So there are a study and it's well-established also that exists a form of vascular amyloidosis it's called, where basically the amyloids not only form in neurons but form also and form plaques within the blood vessels.

00:18:30.460 --> 00:18:35.211
Now where this comes from the neurons, or is it just the endothelial cells, for example?

00:18:35.211 --> 00:18:37.724
I don't know, but it's recognized.

00:18:37.724 --> 00:18:56.326
It's called CAA cerebral vascular amyloidosis and this is quite a form that you can find in Alzheimer's as well in Alzheimer's patients, but not all Alzheimer's patients develop the deposition of amyloids, because there is also the possibility that your brain is overwhelmed with these amyloids.

00:18:56.326 --> 00:19:06.243
The spreading is on, and another way that maybe our body has to clean up is to flush out these amyloids through the vessel.

00:19:06.243 --> 00:19:13.672
But again, how much amyloid we are talking about is not just amyloid, beta, it's tau, Maybe it's even other proteins.

00:19:14.967 --> 00:19:18.753
I like Christina's question, I want to ask basically from a different angle.

00:19:18.884 --> 00:19:37.551
So we live in a society where so many of us suffer of bad vascular health, right, atherosclerosis, hypertension, hypertension and stuff like that and atherosclerosis for listeners is essentially your blood vessels are getting clogged, and it is very common in America and all over the world.

00:19:37.865 --> 00:19:40.507
Absolutely yes, and thank you for clarifying that.

00:19:40.507 --> 00:19:48.448
So is there a correlation between bad blood flow to the brain, or atherosclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease?

00:19:48.448 --> 00:19:49.576
It's definitely a risk factor.

00:19:49.984 --> 00:20:00.876
It's definitely a risk factor, but even the sleeping has been found has an impact on the development of alzheimer's or form of dementia.

00:20:00.876 --> 00:20:15.762
So little sleep is risk factor yeah, I don't know what that means with bad sleeping, but like an interrupted sleep or I'm not an expert on sleeping, but I know that sleeping is playing a crucial role.

00:20:15.762 --> 00:20:16.404
I'm an expert on sleeping.

00:20:16.404 --> 00:20:33.719
Another association has been done with auditory system, and if you have issues also with your ear, really yeah, because that does not stimulate certain parts of your brain and make your neuron maybe even vulnerable.

00:20:33.884 --> 00:20:41.558
I don't know exactly the mechanism, but many aspects of our lifestyle impact the working process of the brain.

00:20:41.558 --> 00:20:53.419
So basically the principle right now, because there is no cure for this disease, so, like for other diseases, have a good lifestyle, eating well.

00:20:53.419 --> 00:21:01.819
But this is valid in general for any kind of disease, for cancer, for cardiovascular diseases and even for dementia.

00:21:01.819 --> 00:21:09.939
But again, we discussed before the low study or like low education didn't work out for my grandma.

00:21:09.939 --> 00:21:13.976
She reached 99 years old without any form of dementia.

00:21:13.976 --> 00:21:19.615
But again we still need to dig more on the cause.

00:21:19.615 --> 00:21:21.259
Maybe we are just seeing the effects.

00:21:21.259 --> 00:21:26.155
Like the amyloid and the prion themselves is a strong event.

00:21:26.155 --> 00:21:27.459
That happened at the beginning.

00:21:27.459 --> 00:21:31.492
But we still don't know exactly what they are inducing as well.

00:21:31.492 --> 00:21:41.693
Human brain is so complex, very hard to study, so it's very challenging for me as a scientist in the field exciting to study.

00:21:42.345 --> 00:21:48.594
So, mauro, I want to come back to your point of the sleep quality that you refer to, that sleep has an influence on this.

00:21:48.594 --> 00:21:54.817
So there's a new class of sleeping aids that have been released now.

00:21:54.817 --> 00:22:07.317
Right, we used to have the GABA receptor-based ones, and there's now this new class that basically reduces your wakefulness, and I saw there was an article that speculated on that.

00:22:07.317 --> 00:22:14.919
It actually can help reduce Alzheimer's, and I don't know what the mechanism is or how it would avoid accumulation of amyloid.

00:22:14.919 --> 00:22:17.493
Do you think that's a crazy idea?

00:22:17.493 --> 00:22:20.801
Have you seen those reports that this could?

00:22:20.821 --> 00:22:21.224
be a treatment.

00:22:21.224 --> 00:22:27.516
I didn't see those reports, but maybe it will detect some impact somehow.

00:22:27.516 --> 00:22:28.458
But I don't know.

00:22:28.458 --> 00:22:29.990
Honestly, it's hard to say that.

00:22:29.990 --> 00:22:36.549
Maybe the other problem is to see an effect on the incidence of some therapy or something.

00:22:36.549 --> 00:22:39.051
Anyway, you need a larger time window.

00:22:39.051 --> 00:22:45.336
Maybe this study will, or the treatment of a particular compound or something that we regularly use.

00:22:45.336 --> 00:22:55.989
The correlation will be found in 10, 20 years since it's been developed found in 10, 20 years since has been developed.

00:22:56.009 --> 00:23:15.925
So my question with this is I think that there's always this strong interest in curing in a lot of like pharmacology stuff, but what you described earlier is that people can have the pathology of this in the brain but not have symptoms, and so we coexist with this, or some people can coexist with this right, Just like we might have staph on our skin, but it's not a problem, unless we have a severely deep cut and then it's in our general system.

00:23:15.925 --> 00:23:22.768
Potentially, plaques aren't the problem if they're not becoming widespread and your body can keep up on managing them, right?

00:23:22.768 --> 00:23:28.766
So is the interest then in preventing, like in the field of Alzheimer's research?

00:23:28.766 --> 00:23:37.925
Is the interest in preventing the plaques from forming at all or in finding a way to help the body continue to manage the plaques that might be forming just naturally?

00:23:38.287 --> 00:23:39.249
Yeah, that's great.

00:23:39.249 --> 00:23:42.936
So the approach at the beginning, many years ago.

00:23:42.936 --> 00:24:01.907
This is why we, the FDA, approved two antibodies right now available for the amyloid plaques, because many years ago, with the study of the plaques, scientists say, okay, this is a difference between an Alzheimer case and a person that do not have.

00:24:01.907 --> 00:24:07.705
So if we maybe we block or we degraded these plaques, we can cure the disease.

00:24:07.705 --> 00:24:10.210
But again, was not this the case?

00:24:10.210 --> 00:24:16.980
Okay, so imagine also that when people develop plaques or this is the very final stage.

00:24:17.526 --> 00:24:23.659
So to me as a scientist on the field, it's hard to think about a cure for late stage.

00:24:23.659 --> 00:24:29.038
It's almost impossible because at this stage, basically, the patient already lost.

00:24:29.038 --> 00:24:32.934
It's not just the loss of neurons, but it's the loss of the connections.

00:24:32.934 --> 00:24:34.646
Remember our memories.

00:24:34.646 --> 00:24:42.588
Our task has been made by an intricate system that we still don't know exactly how to work it out.

00:24:42.588 --> 00:24:50.567
So when you burn out or you lost that neurons, you could lose forever those memories.

00:24:50.788 --> 00:24:56.038
So thinking about a cure in late stage, I don't think even is convenient.

00:24:56.038 --> 00:25:11.398
So this is why our labs in the Mitchell Center, for example, we are more focused on the early phase, where those prions start to form and they are still small and toxic, yes, but maybe targetable in terms of therapy.

00:25:11.398 --> 00:25:13.972
And the other is the prevention.

00:25:13.972 --> 00:25:23.395
So there are many groups that are working to identify people that are vulnerable to the buildup of these protein aggregates.

00:25:23.395 --> 00:25:24.317
That would be cool.

00:25:24.317 --> 00:25:34.638
Maybe we can produce in the near future a vaccine, a kind of a vaccine that can prevent, for those that are more at risk, to develop dementia.

00:25:34.638 --> 00:25:47.759
So that is where the field is going using immunotherapy, so antibody, or, as in our case, starting to use genetic therapy, so a genetic approach Interesting.

00:25:48.926 --> 00:25:58.920
Could you also clarify the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia, because I feel like in the public space, people often use them in a way that's interchangeable, but they're not right?

00:25:59.025 --> 00:25:59.970
Yeah, no, they're not.

00:25:59.970 --> 00:26:11.718
But with dementia we identify all those kinds of brain pathologies that basically impair the brain functionality at different age.

00:26:11.718 --> 00:26:19.089
Okay, because, again, alzheimer's, usually the first symptoms start around 65 and can last for longer.

00:26:19.089 --> 00:26:26.017
But there are other forms of dementia, like frontotemporal dementia, that can develop even before in age.

00:26:26.017 --> 00:26:29.976
Okay, so, and that is due to a buildup of other protein.

00:26:29.976 --> 00:26:36.673
In this case one of the most important is TDP43, is another amyloid protein.

00:26:36.673 --> 00:26:44.175
So maybe we have to deal even with more loidogenic, so prion-like protein, so that the picture is more complex.

00:26:44.704 --> 00:27:03.476
The Alzheimer's disease in the last years we are starting to differentiate also maybe the Alzheimer's disease because there is an historically, naturally I would like to say chain, because this is associated with who discovered the disease, observed for the first time, even within that, what we call Alzheimer's disease.

00:27:03.476 --> 00:27:06.410
We have to differentiate this form.

00:27:06.410 --> 00:27:11.380
But yeah, with form of dementia, we always put Alzheimer's and many others forms of dementia and remember these are always progressive.

00:27:11.380 --> 00:27:14.336
So in this umbrella of dementia we always put Alzheimer's and many other forms of dementia and remember these are always progressive.

00:27:14.336 --> 00:27:18.204
So in this umbrella of dementia, the disease has to be progressive.

00:27:18.204 --> 00:27:21.512
It's not something that has a very short outcome.

00:27:21.512 --> 00:27:27.957
It's long in time, more or less, but it happens in years, and that has to affect the brain, so the neurons directly.

00:27:28.285 --> 00:27:33.478
So they're always progressive, but there's no way to predict how quickly it will progress for any individual.

00:27:33.605 --> 00:27:35.373
This is also about our genetic background.

00:27:35.373 --> 00:27:40.596
This is why we are focusing on the vulnerability of people.

00:27:40.596 --> 00:27:45.356
We are not anymore focused just on those protein aspects.

00:27:45.356 --> 00:27:47.471
We have to see our background.

00:27:47.471 --> 00:27:51.125
It's like also for many other type of disease where you could.

00:27:51.125 --> 00:27:57.174
Why, for example, people that made the same chemotherapy for the same cancer, someone survived, someone not.

00:27:57.174 --> 00:28:03.855
There is always a context where we have to move and that context is a personal context, a genetic context.

00:28:03.855 --> 00:28:11.756
So there is something that potentiates our response and we can live great with plaques, maybe, like those cases.

00:28:11.756 --> 00:28:24.479
And there are contexts where your genetics or your inflammation, your again, the cerebrovascular system is not working properly for some genetic reason.

00:28:24.704 --> 00:28:28.817
But, mauro, how far away are we from this personalized medicine that you talk about?

00:28:28.817 --> 00:28:33.011
Because I think we always hear that personalized medicine is the thing of the future.

00:28:33.011 --> 00:28:48.087
But I remember, for example, I did 23andMe this genetic test a long time ago, right, and I have one of the, the ApoEG alleles for early onset Alzheimer's disease, but it's just a slightly increased risk but what?

00:28:48.127 --> 00:28:55.160
you were saying is this is multifaceted, right, it depends on my sleep and then how I take care of my body, and so on.

00:28:55.160 --> 00:29:01.056
So it feels like we're still like in the childhood, in the baby days of personalized medicine.

00:29:01.056 --> 00:29:03.971
When it comes to dementia, the research is all right.

00:29:04.244 --> 00:29:12.167
Yeah, I agree with you, Big progress has been done in terms of a variety of possible therapeutic intervention.

00:29:12.167 --> 00:29:13.749
In terms of variety of possible therapeutic intervention.

00:29:13.749 --> 00:29:20.673
In Dr Kaya's lab, actually, we develop an immunotherapy for tau, not for amyloid that works perfectly nice.

00:29:20.673 --> 00:29:25.516
So hopefully we will test it out in humans as well, with some clinical trials.

00:29:25.516 --> 00:29:30.838
But again, this is a general therapy, so it's something that you apply for everyone.

00:29:31.920 --> 00:29:43.268
As you say, I've been heard about like personal therapy, even in cancer now 10 years ago, but even there has been like very challenging as well.

00:29:43.268 --> 00:29:55.605
So I guess that for this type of disease, find a common mechanism or mechanism-based therapy will be a winning card, or mechanism-based therapy will be a winning card.

00:29:55.605 --> 00:30:01.999
But in terms of years, I think that maybe we will see some significant impact on the new therapies within five, ten years.

00:30:01.999 --> 00:30:09.856
Maybe that's the window that I expect, looking about the progress that others are doing with several types of therapies.

00:30:09.856 --> 00:30:30.517
But it's very challenging and again, and this is why I'm focused more on the biology we still move our vision a little bit, I don't want to say far away from the prion or from the protein aggregates, but also on the genetic aspect and how the genes answer to these protein aggregates.

00:30:30.605 --> 00:30:40.586
Because, maybe the protein aggregates is not just the cause, it's just the input to a cascade of things that then determine the death of the neurons in our brain.

00:30:40.926 --> 00:30:59.391
Speaking of inputs that can cause cascades, I wanted to get your opinion on if you think we'll see an increase in Alzheimer's in our population because we've had COVID, which is a neuroinvasive virus, so it can infect the brain and COVID can act like a traumatic brain injury right, and it could certainly cause inflammation.

00:30:59.391 --> 00:31:04.669
Do you think we'll see an increase in Alzheimer's like 20, 40, 60 years down the line?

00:31:04.930 --> 00:31:07.055
I don't know if we will see that increase.

00:31:07.055 --> 00:31:08.969
We need to wait a little bit.

00:31:08.969 --> 00:31:11.136
Covid happened a few years ago.

00:31:11.136 --> 00:31:28.972
Okay, as I say, this disease particular, alzheimer's requires several years, but there are beautiful studies that talk about how a previous infection from other viruses or even bacteria in the brain can bring vulnerability for the developing of dementia.